Strategic Documents

Strategic tools

Council’s corporate planning is governed by its Strategic Management Plan Uniquely Barunga. This plan identifies the Barunga West community’s vision and long term aspirations for 2020-2030.

While the Strategic Management Plan sets the direction, the Long Term Financial Plan articulates, in financial terms, how Council will help the community achieve its long term aspirations through activities to be delivered in the medium and longer term.  It also expresses in financial terms how the Council will maintain and or renew it existing assets, and build or acquire new ones.

Asset Management Plans are strategic frameworks that help council plan, build, maintain and operate Barunga West Council’s infrastructure, including associated costs.  The recommendations presented in Asset Management Plans are factored into Council’s Long Term Financial Plan.

Operational tools

The Council’s Annual Business Plan and Budget is the key annual operational document and identifies over the year, the revenue (e.g. rates) the Council will receive and the initiatives, projects, services that Council will deliver during the year, including their costs.

Asset Management Plans

Asset Management plans are currently being updated and in some cases developed to:

  • Show how assets will meet the service delivery needs of the community into the future
  • Ensure the integration of Council’s asset management needs within annual reviews of Council’s Long Term Financial Plan
  • Ensure Council assets are managed in the most cost effective manner
  • Identify assets that are no longer of value to the community and could be disposed of.

Council already has a significant portfolio of community infrastructure assets under its care and control, and we renew existing assets (e.g. road maintenance) and acquire new assets through purchases (e.g. plant and equipment).

Council also acquires new assets by way of developer contribution (e.g. Fisherman Bay), in addition to building new assets (e.g. footpaths).

The condition and longevity of assets can be difficult to determine.  The costs associated with asset management can be large and require planning for peaks and troughs in required expenditure.

As a Council we are responsible to ensure these assets (current and future) meet the required level of service in the most cost effective manner for our community.

Tickera Masterplan

Barunga West Council has approved the Tickera Masterplan - a progressive community endorsed blueprint designed to carefully structure growth and development of the Tickera township during the next two decades.

Approval of the Masterplan comes after a comprehensive community engagement process that ran from September 2022 to March 2023 and incorporated a wide range of views and ideas from local and regional stakeholders.

Key elements of the Masterplan include:

  • Improved infrastructure around the boat launching ramp, including formalised parking, landscaping, and clear signage.
  • The release of 13 Crown Land allotments in stages during the next five years, maintaining the aesthetics of the residential area and preserving community open space.
  • Proposed amendments to the Planning Code for the rezoning of Rural Zoned land to Master Planned Township Zone.
  • Pursuit of funding for local road improvements, recreational walking trails, and other key infrastructure projects.
  • The establishment of a dump point and bin bay to manage waste generated by visitors.

Council also is advocating for the State and Federal Governments to contribute funding towards an upgrade of the Alford to Tickera Road. This will form part of the Yorke Peninsula Regional Plan, currently being developed by the State Government. The approved Masterplan will influence the future of land release, zoning, and infrastructure planning in Tickera, ensuring the growth and development of the township aligns with the vision and expectations of the local community. The Masterplan is a “living document”, so Council can update it as required over time.