Port Broughton Tourism and Events Committee

Port Broughton Tourism & Events Committee

Pursuant to Section 41 of the Local Government Act 1999 (the Act) the Council established a Committee to be known as the Tourism and Events Committee on 20th July 2020.

The objectives of the Committee is to assist the Council:

  • Develop and implement an annual Tourism and Events program and major new events as they arise.
  • Develop, market and maintain and annual Calendar of Port Broughton Tourism and Events for the Council.
  • Facilitate Tourism and Events and provide recommendations for continuous improvement of the annual Events program.
  • Involve Port Broughton businesses, tourist operators and the community in determining future direction, funding and strategies for the marketing, promotion and deliver of Tourism and Events.
  • Involve and recruit volunteers to assist with Tourism and Events in Port Broughton.

The Committee will meet on such dates and times as it determines provided that at least four (4) meetings are held per calendar year, and may hold additional meetings as determined by the chairperson in order for the Committee to fulfil its duties and responsibilities.

The public are welcome to attend these meetings* which are held in the Council Chambers at 11 Bay Street, Port Broughton.

*unless the Committee has resolved to exclude the public from a meeting or part of a meeting pursuant to the Act.

A notice will be published on Council’s Facebook page, and by way of publishing the agenda on Council’s website as the meetings are scheduled.

Tourism & Events Committee Terms of Reference

Tourism & Events Committee Annual Reports

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