Fire Prevention Information

For information on fire safety and fire bans

Bushfire Information Hotline 1300 362 361 or visit the CFS website at

The Barunga West Council is part of the Yorke Peninsula fire ban district.

Current Fire Danger Season dates – 1 November 2023 – 30 April 2024

Council encourages all property owners and occupiers to prepare for the fire season by cleaning up around their homes.

You can reduce the risk of fire impacting your property by doing simple things to reduce fine fuels. This means clearing vegetation near your home, ensuring grass is mowed and maintained, clearing gutters etc.

The CFS website is an excellent guide to bushfire safety –  it can assist you make that decision and assist you with the steps in preparing yourself, your home and family.

Council’s Authorised Officers conduct property inspections in late September each year to ensure compliance within township boundaries. Section 105F notices are issued to non-complying properties.  Properties are required to be maintained over the duration of the Fire Danger Season.

Refer to the CFS website for current bans.

Regulations have been introduced throughout South Australia to protect lives and property during the bushfire season. It is essential that you are familiar with the regulations and understand exactly what you can and cannot do, no matter where you are. If you are unsure if you can undertake an activity such as having a camp fire, welding, having a BBQ or even using a slasher, please look at page 14 on the CFS publication “Your guide to bushfire safety”.

Everyone should have a bushfire survival plan. Your main priority is to ensure that you and your family are safe. You and your family’s safety and survival during a bushfire may depend on how prepared you are and the decisions you make. Preparing for a bushfire is your responsibility. If you do not have a bushfire survival plan you are putting you and your family at risk. For further information on preparing a bushfire survival plan on the CFS website click here .

Preparing yourself, your family and your home for a bushfire is your responsibility. The biggest causes of houses burning down during a bushfire is the result of sparks or embers landing in or near you home. These can trigger your house on fire well before the actual bushfire arrives and for many hours after the bushfire has passed. Property owners who neglect their responsibilities by failing to take the appropriate hazard reduction works prior to the start of the fire danger season may be issued with a $315.00 expiation notice. The appropriate hazard reduction may then be arranged by Council’s Fire Prevention Officer with all costs borne by the property owner. For further details about your responsibilities and ways to protect your home click here to get further information from the CFS web site.