Disability Access & Inclusion Plan (DAIP)

Published 30th October 2020
The Yorke Peninsula Regional Alliance Councils of Yorke Peninsula, Barunga West and Copper Coast are working together to prepare a regional Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) under Part 5, section 16 of the Disability Inclusion Act 2018 (SA). Additionally each Council has developed its own Action Plan specific to the local community.

Council has undertaken two phases of consultation on the DAIP and thanks all members of our community for their willingness to share ideas.  Given very tight timeframes we are publishing our draft DAIP and Yorke Peninsula Disability Access and Inclusion Action Plan (the Plans) on Council’s website to achieve the 31 October 2020 deadline. Council will formally consider endorsement of the Plans at its meeting to be held on 10 November 2020.

The Plans will guide Council in facilitating universally accessible mainstream facilities and services to all residents and visitors with a disability that aligns with the State Disability Inclusion Plan as required under the SA Disability Inclusion Act 2018 seeking to enlarge the window of opportunity and reachability within our community for our locals and visitors living with disability.

The regional Disability Access and Inclusion Plan can be accessed here: Barunga West Council Action Plan

The Yorke Peninsula Disability Access and Inclusion Action Plan can be accessed here: Regional DAIP 2020 Yorke Regional Alliance Final (not yet endorsed)

Hard copies of the Regional DAIP are available at our Port Broughton and Bute offices on request.

You can also call (08) 8635 2107 if you would like one posted to you.